Rafael Gonzalez Coronas Extras

Rafael Gonzalez
Rafael Gonzalez

Rafael Gonzalez Coronas Extras

Rafael Gonzalez

Rafael Gonzalez Coronas Extras

More Information
Ring Gauge 46
Length 143 mm / 5.6 inches
Strength Medium
Size Grand Corona
Box 25
Availability: Out of stock
189.00 USD
Box of 25
The brand was founded in Cuba in the pre-revolutionary era and it is considered one of the best on the market. Rafael Gonzalez Coronas Extra cigars have an elegant Corona Extra shape, a medium to large length and a gauge size of 46. The wrapper has a light brown color and a smooth touch. The construction and the draw are excellent, showing the top quality hand-made work. The overall strength of the cigar is medium and the flavors present are rich tobacco and sweetness that make this cigar a true joy.