Rafael Gonzalez
Rafael Gonzalez cigars deliver smooth and exquisitely balanced experiences perfect for the connoisseur wanting a light yet immensely flavorful Cuban cigar. The current Rafael Gonzalez line-up features a mix of traditional classics and modern favorites that share a unique style and character, unlike any other Cuban cigars.
Rafael Gonzalez Cigar Style
At the heart of every Rafael Gonzalez cigar are savory tobaccos from Cuba’s renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar Del Rio. The region’s unique soil and climate provide ideal conditions for tobacco cultivation, resulting in the smooth body and deeply textured taste of the Rafael Gonzalez experience.
Delighting enthusiasts since the 1930s, Rafael Gonzalez cigars are enhanced by nut, leather, oak, floral, coffee, and pepper flavors, as well as splashes of chocolaty sweetness throughout. The Rafael Gonzalez character offers a refined, highly satisfying style that makes Rafael Gonzalez cigars a great alternative to more famous Cuban brands, such as Romeo y Julieta or Montecristo.
When to Smoke a Rafael Gonzalez Cigar?
Whether a veteran connoisseur or budding enthusiast, Rafael Gonzalez cigars are reliable fan-favorites that deliver a great smoke anytime or anyplace. These handmade smokes are equally suited to pair with morning coffee or with a fine cognac as an after-dinner treat and anywhere in between.
Cuban cigar lovers can count on the brand to offer attractive options for any occasion, from relaxing at home to enjoying a formal evening on the town. The legendary 6 ½” x 42 Rafael Gonzalez Lonsdale, the first cigar to use the “Lonsdale” name, is a great example of the value and versatility Rafael Gonzalez cigars deliver
Discover Rafael Gonzalez Online
Rafael Gonzalez cigars are a great pick for any cigar enthusiast, especially those looking for a deeper exploration of the world of Cuban cigars. Don’t miss the balanced body, great taste, and good value offered by Rafael Gonzalez cigars. Find authentic Cuban Rafael Gonzalez cigars at the best online Cuban cigar source today!