Quintero y Hermano

Quintero y Hermano


Quintero cigars offer cigar lovers a wonderfully approachable Cuban cigar experience while also going easy on the wallet. This harmonious mixture of body, taste, and value makes Quintero a great everyday option with something for everyone to enjoy.

Quintero Cigar Style

The Quintero brand’s secret is a blend of tobaccos from the famous Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta regions. One of the few Cuban cigar brands not made in Havana, Quintero calls Cienfuegos on the southern coast of Cuba home. Here artisans assemble cigar parts totally by hand using savory Tripa Corta or short filler tobaccos, and fine wrapper leaves to deliver an affordable and satisfying Cuban smoke.

Available in various popular sizes ideal for the cigar enthusiast on the go, Quintero cigars deliver a rich yet balanced character filled with nut, cream, leather, and spice flavors tied together by a firm, earthy core. The popular Quintero Londres Extra is a great example of the dependable everyday smokes first envisioned by the brand’s founders Agustin Quintero and his four brothers.

When to Smoke a Quintero Cigar? 

Quintero cigars are indeed go-to options for the daily cigar smoker wanting a balance between quality of smoke and value. Yet the cigars also deliver more than enough personality for those moments which may require a touch of class. In addition, Quintero cigars serve as great budget-friendly alternatives to more expensive Cuban cigar brands.


The Quintero Brevas, for example, is a popular option when looking for a change of pace from similarly sized smokes like Partagas Aristocratas, Montecristo No. 5, or Bolivar Bonitas. Whether at home or on the move, any time is a good time to enjoy a Quintero cigar.

Save and Savor with Quintero

Each Quintero cigar delivers a flavorful Cuban cigar experience while minimizing cost, and that is a winning combination. So, get these authentic Cuban cigars today at the best online Cuban cigar source and start enjoying cigars the Quintero way!