Montecristo 1935 Dumas
Montecristo 1935 Dumas
Montecristo 1935 Dumas
Ring Gauge | 49 |
Length | 133 mm / 5.25 Inch |
Strength | Medium |
Montecristo 1935 Dumas Overview
The Montecristo 1935 line arrived on the world stage in 2018 to add a full-bodied complement to the expanding Montecristo catalog. The line celebrates 1935, the year Montecristo cigars began production. The cigars are amongst the most luxurious in the Montecristo collection, featuring exquisite Vuelta Abajo tobaccos from Cuba's famous Pinar del Rio area. The Montecristo 1935 Dumas is a 5.1" x 49 cigar named in honor of Alexandre Dumas, the author of the timeless novel from which the brand takes its name.
Smoking a Montecristo 1935 Dumas
The Montecristo 1935 Dumas offers a robust journey that pulls no punches yet maintains a superb balance and refinement, befitting a Montecristo cigar. Some sweetness mixed with pepper and earth notes on the cold draw. Nut, leather, toast, white oak, and sweet cream flavors are prominent throughout the smoke, which kicks off with a medium-bodied character that grows into a boldly complex adventure. The Montecristo 1935 Dumas concludes with a long and spicy finish touched with flourishes of maple and tropical fruit.
Montecristo 1935 Dumas Value
The Montecristo 1935 Dumas delivers a unique, value-filled experience that is unlike any Montecristo to have come before it. The richly textured tobaccos are allowed to fully bloom with the Dumas cigar's appealing 5.1" x 49 size, a first for a Montecristo cigar. Presentation adds another element to the experience with striking secondary bands and 20-count boxes finished with beveled edges and stunning Carmelite lacquer. These richly satisfying, beautifully packaged cigars are the Montecristo cigars for which modern aficionados have been waiting.
Montecristo 1935 Dumas Experience
From its alluring look and deliciously rich character, the Montecristo 1935 Dumas is an exceptional offering sure to delight Montecristo fans, as well as those who want more body and taste from their Cuban cigars. The 1935 line is indeed a fine complement to traditional Montecristo cigars and provides a good change of pace from mellower Cuban cigar offerings. Pair the savory Montecristo 1935 Dumas with top-shelf whisky, bourbon, rum, or Armagnac for a most gratifying Cuban cigar-smoking escape.