Cuban Cigars Factory
While Cuban tobacco is the finest in the world, it takes the expert men and women of Cuba’s cigar factories to transform the tobacco into cigars, unlike any others found on earth. With this brief guide, you will learn about Cuba’s best cigar factories, the famous cigars they make, and how factory codes can be used for authentication.
Havana’s legendary cigar factories are among Cuba’s most beloved landmarks. There are many factories throughout Cuba, each with a unique history, style, and cigar construction specialty. Yet, only a few have reached the level of fame equal to the cigars they make.
The original Partagas factory opened in 1845 and, later renamed Francisco Perez German, still stands as a cigar world icon. Cigar production moved in 2012 to Carlos Balino, the old El Rey Del Mundo factory. This newer Partagas factory also creates selections for the Ramon Allones, Quai D’Orsay, Bolivar and La Gloria Cubana brands.
The prestigious El Laguito factory is the crown jewel of Cuba’s cigar industry. A converted mansion in Havana’s famous Miramar district, the elegant El Laguito became the official home of Cohiba cigars in 1966. Today the factory creates Cohiba cigars, as well as other popular Cuban brands.
The La Corona or Miguel Fernandez Roig factory is a major cigar producer that has gone through many changes. It was most recently a cigarette factory before it was reimagined in 2000 as the home base for Punch, Hoyo de Monterrey, Por Larranaga, San Cristobal de La Habana, Flor de Cano and Cuaba.
The historic Briones Montoto factory was the longtime home for El Rey Del Mundo and Romeo y Julieta cigars before becoming the H. Upmann cigars’ headquarters several years ago. The factory produces various sizes of Romeo y Julieta and Montecristo cigars alongside the full H. Upmann line.
Every official Cuban cigar factory has a special factory code stamped onto each box that goes through its doors. This helps to ward off counterfeiters and offers a way to trace a product back to its source. Whether it be classic Romeo y Julieta Churchills or another of Cuba’s iconic smokes, always check the box for stamp codes.
Learn about Cuban Cigar Box Codes to discover more about factory codes and where your Cuban cigars are made.
Cigars are only as good as the hands that nurture, blend, and roll the tobacco, and it is at the Cuban cigar factory that much of the magic happens. So, buy genuine Cuban cigars at your favorite online Cuban cigar shop today and taste the difference for yourself!