Davidoff Club Cigars
Davidoff Club Cigars
Davidoff Club Cigars
Ring Gauge | 22 |
Length | 102 mm / 4 Inch |
Strength | Medium |
Size | Cigars |
Product Presentation | Box of 50 |
Davidoff Club Small Cigars Overview
Davidoff is a familiar landing spot for connoisseurs who desire the best in luxury tobaccos, with each Davidoff cigar offering precision construction and a wonderfully smooth and complex character. Conveniently sized for great versatility, the Davidoff Club Small Cigars are perfect for the sophisticated cigar smoker on the go.
Smoking Davidoff Club Small Cigars
Davidoff Club Small Cigars feature a blend of savory tobaccos from Indonesian, Brazil, and the Caribbean, topped by a Sumatra wrapper leaf. The blend delivers a mellow smoke highlighted by notes of wood and spice swirling around a thick natural tobacco core.
Davidoff Club Small Cigars Value
At 4” x 22 in size, the Davidoff Club Small Cigars are ideal everyday options no matter the time or place. Stock up with a box of 50 Davidoff Club Small Cigars to enjoy a taste of luxury at a great value.
Davidoff Club Small Cigars Experience
Whether large or small format cigars, Davidoff delivers exquisitely smooth and flavorful smokes, and the Davidoff Club Small Cigars are perfect examples. So, smoke Davidoff Club Small Cigars with confidence whether morning, evening or anywhere between.