


Camacho cigars are tailor-made for cigar lovers wanting bold character and taste in a precision-crafted premium cigar. Camacho cigars provide sensory excitement no matter your taste level, with blends that range from lively yet smooth to vigorously rich and complex.

Camacho Cigar Style

Camacho cigars are crafted by Davidoff of Geneva's expert craftsman in Honduras, using a broad array of richly textured tobaccos from the world's best tobacco-growing regions. Originally cultivated in the lush fields of Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region, the Corojo leaf is at the heart of Camacho's signature blends to deliver a richness, unlike any other tobacco.

The Camacho Connecticut is a fan favorite and perfect entry into the world of Camacho that combines refined qualities of classic Connecticut-wrapped cigars with heartier bursts of cedar, cream, nut, pepper, and toast flavors. The Camacho Corojo is another classic crowd-pleaser loaded with Honduran-grown Corojo tobaccos that deliver medium-to-full-bodied notes of earth, coffee bean, sweet spice, cedar, and oak.

When to Smoke a Camacho Cigar?

Camacho cigars are perfect for any time, yet at their best with coffee beverages or richly structured spirits, such as bourbon and aged rum. The Camacho Connecticut series provides ideal morning or early afternoon escapes. At the same time, the Camacho Corojo Robusto Tubos is an example of a deeply rewarding after-dinner smoke to enjoy on the town or relaxing comfortably at home.

Every Camacho cigar delivers an intensely flavorful smoke with treasures hidden in every puff, no matter the time or place. This comes from the Corojo tobaccos found within each cigar that combine Cuban-like nuances with a uniquely Honduran character for an unmistakable Camacho experience. 

Go Bold With Camacho

Camacho cigars bring their own brand of excitement and satisfaction to the cigar-smoking ritual that is not to be missed. So, enjoy the bolder side of cigar smoking and shop Camacho cigars at the best online cigar source for the world's finest Cuban and Non-Cuban cigars.